Hey hey hey! Congrats on seeking knowledge on how to make money on Instagram. I believe you’ve came to the perfect place. It took me quite some years to figure out how people were earning a living on social sites so I can understand your curiosity. 

I want you to realize this is more than just about using Instagram to make money. I’m going to tell you exactly how to turn your passion into a paycheck! Aren’t you excited? Good! Now let’s get down to it.

Statistics Concerning Why and How to Make Money On Instagram

...First off let’s start with some stats of Instagram as of 2019...

#1 There’s a billion active users on Instagram each month 

#2 64% of users are between the age of 18 and 34 

#3 Users under 25 spend over a half an hour on Insta every day

#4 There are over 500 million active users on Instagram each day

#5 80% of Instagram users live outside of the US 

how to make money on Instagram

#6 having at least 1 hashtag will get you 12.6% more engagement 

#7 There are more than 8 million business accounts 

#8 80% of Insta users follow a business account 

#9 The optimum number of hashtags is 11

#10 60% of users first heard about a product on Instagram 

#11 30% of users bought something they discovered on Instagram 

#12 78% of big retail brands have stoppable Instagram accounts 

#13 82% of shopping brands use Call-To-Actions

#14 25% of Instagram ads are videos 

#15 Ad Recall is 2.8X higher on Instagram 

#16 Instagram has the highest engagement rates when compared to all the other social media sites

#17 Users don’t see 70% of what’s on their feed

#18 Instagram users engage more on weekdays 

#19 Insta posts with a face gets 38% more likes

#20 Beyoncé and Kylie Jenner get most of the engagement in the world

#21 80% of Influencers prefer Instagram for brand collaborations

#22 There’s set to be 30 Million+ sponsored influencer posts in 2019 

#23 400million+ accounts use Instagram stories everyday 

#24 58% of brands have created an Instagram story

Instagram - A Money Making Machine Especially In Today's Information Age!

By now it should be obvious that Instagram is a powerhouse of a marketing platform. So if you aren’t using Instagram to make money then you are missing out on the fun and funds! 

Keep in mind, it doesn’t matter if you are into fitness, beauty, entrepreneurship, sports, fashion, music, spiritual healing, health etc. the possibilities are endless when you start advertising on Instagram.

...if you have a product for sale, there’s an audience for it on IG.....

The good news is you’re even going to learn how to make money on Instagram without followers. Of course you need people to see your posts if you expect to make sales but if you engage on the platform through liking, commenting, following, and posting regularly you will find that you can grow your brand page and followers relatively fast. 

The key to making money is consistency! 

Educate people about your product or service in different ways. Tell them why they need what you’ve got to offer and show them why they should want it! Post pictures and show testimonials of who has benefited from your product or service. That’s marketing 101 for ya.

But remember...

You must be consistent otherwise there’s no point in learning "how to make money on Instagram".

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How to Make Money On Instagram Using the Infamous SALES FUNNEL...

Now here’s the key point that’s going to set my article apart from any other post you’ve seen on this topic...

#1 You must sell SOMETHING or advertise for a company in order to make money on Instagram 

how to make money on instagram without followers


No! You do not need to be famous or to be an influencer to make good money on Insta. (Tons of followers is more so required when a company is paying you to promote on their behalf)

#2 You do need a sales funnel if you expect to build a consistent flow of clients though.



In other words, you should have a website set up where a person can click on the link in your Instagram bio and learn more about you, your product, and/or your service. It would be smart to capture some kind of contact information from the visitor on your initial site, so that you can follow up with them later.A sales funnel is a sales process or a series of sites that you put potential customers through, taking them from awareness to action! 

Statistics show that most sales are generated after a customer has been exposed to your brand an average of 7 times. More than likely, a sale won’t be generated the very first time a person visits your site but that’s no reason to be discouraged.

Also, you can have people either go to a blog, or a site with a video of you discussing your product when they click in your bio. Those are just some ideas to get things rolling for your business. This is how to make money on Instagram made simple for you! 

At the end of the day, we are in the Information Age so people need information about what you’re selling in order to make a purchase. The more you can keep your potential customer seeing how you and your product is valuable for their lives over time, the more money you will make. It’s that simple.

You officially know how to make money on Instagram for the rest of your life. Talk soon! 

~Jonathan Belcher
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make money on Instagram