I already know what you’re thinking just by reading the title of this post. You’re probably like “Jon, what the hell are you tired of now?”

Well it’s a couple of things that have been on my mind lately.

For one, I’m tired of the ever rising cost of living while the hourly pay from jobs just remain the same. I don’t actually think we were put here to work 40+ hours per week for a boss, only to have it sucked right back into taxes for the IRS.

There’s so much more cooler and fulfilling stuff we can be doing with our time.

There shouldn't even be 1 homeless person on earth today.

So I recently came back from LA, California about 3 weeks ago and let me tell you…. when I was there I saw countless homeless families lined up in tents under the trestles… it was so bad it made me sick to my stomach. It was literally like homeless communities on the streets. It is clear to me that we have to start becoming our own representatives and spokespersons for what’s going on.

…I envision a future where there are no homeless people…

… I envision a future where people can just travel and earn a living doing what they love…

A future where you aren’t worried about ‘Kissing ass’ or being forced to take an injection to keep a roof over your head.

A future where you can earn as much commissions as you want with no cap on your income.

How FREE are we if we are limited and controlled at every turn we make?

At any given time they can just usher in a world pandemic and put the world into a panic and get us to do literally whatever it is they say. Many people aren’t thinking about how powerless we’ve become over the years but I’m concerned about it. The world is in a state of chaos right now. Where are we headed?

I do want to be fair and say that this is also a great time for new possibilities. This isn't just a message of doom and gloom. There's hope if we act fast!

11:11 - Make a Wish!

I pray to be a big part of getting the power back into your hands as we get our 300toFreedom message out there to the people.

But if we continue to give more and more of our time away to working for the man, we are getting further and further away from being at peace. As a people, we have been focusing less on the things that truly matter: things like health, getting your mind/spirit right, protecting the children, and learning how to create generational wealth.

I don’t think 9-5 jobs themselves are the reason for high stress levels and depression in society but I do think being in the corporate workforce keeps a certain level of control on what you can and can’t do. Not to mention making workers go get this Vac. (I'm not an anti-vaxxer I just don't think it's smart to jump into getting this one so soon.)  I think the limitations are what stresses people out over long periods of time. We all want to be better and do better but it’s an uphill battle when you’re boxed in and limited.

If you are 100% dependent on a 9-5 income then in some sense that 9-5 job has become your ‘God’ and you must do whatever to keep it……… even possibly inject yourself with something you don’t want.

How Free Are We?

So how free are we?

….this is in no way a knock against those of you who have gotten the Shot…

I’m just proposing something to think about for the whole of humanity: are we the lab rats being tested on by elitist groups at the top?

Well I don’t know but what I do know is when you study the history of events like the “Tuskegee experiment” and “9/11” you start to realize that we can easily be tricked when we are in fear. When stuff hits the fan it's like people go into panic mode running around without thinking first.

But it's,




*Chant it with me*




*Chant it with me*

Critics Nor the Doubters Can Stop This Success Train Us Kings and Queens Are Moving On!

…I’m also tired of Critics and Doubters in society. They do enough of their own low level deeds to try to wear us down, don’t they?

I’m talking about the kinds of people who you can’t tell a dream or a plan to because they will never see the potential in you. The kinds of people who never believe in you but they act like they always did once you become successful. The fake kinds of people who ask you “Are you still doing that little business thing?” When they want to show fake concern for what you have going on…

Get those people from out of your ears quick!

Doubters and critics have killed more dreams than any alarm clock!

…You can’t afford to let their lack of support tarnish your potential. You can’t afford to listen to them unless they are coming with constructive criticism and a loving heart.

Often times people are so ready to knock you down without even understanding you. The saddest part is that it's the people closest to you that will want you to fail just so they can be right in their little low level projection of you. How sad have we become that we can't uplift our brothers and sisters when we see them on a mission?

Im envisioning a future where you are built up from the inside-out manifesting whatever it is that you want, at the SNAP of a finger.

You are great.

You are powerful.

You can do anything you put your mind to.

Your failures of yesterday are turning into your Successes of tomorrow!

All you need is to be able to see your power and be aware of the times we are in now.

Seek knowledge! Look to develop new skills! Start new businesses! …because its the only way to bring about real change for you and your family. It is time the people locked arms together and made a ‘safe place’ we can all flourish in!

See you on the inside.

~Jonathan Belcher

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