Growing up and realizing that society isn’t as perfect as you thought it would be, can be a major let down.

And actually being “crazy” enough to try to improve the world by building up an empire of "super natural" people is even tougher.

It seems we are fighting for the same things we were fighting for 400 years ago.

Quick Personal Story

…Ever since I was a little boy  I was kind of forced to be “in my own world” since my mom was always working…

That probably explains my entrepreneurship “figure it out” kind of approach to life.

I think seeing my mom having to work so hard made me want to open up a business that would allow me time freedom.

...I feel it for the people who have to work many hours at a job without being paid what they are worth...

My mother would work a 4pm - 12Am shift but some times she would do a double at work, so for most days out of the week I wasn’t able to be with her during my childhood years. When she was going to work I was coming home from school and by the time she came home I’d be asleep. I would see my dad only on weekends because he didn’t live with my mom and I. So majority of my time was spent being at school, playing video games, playing with friends, or just meddling into something I wasn’t supposed to because nobody was around to watch me.

But I thank God for my aunt Janet and older sisters who did a good job of watching me during the times when my mom couldn’t.

My loneliness mostly came when my aunt had to attend to her kid and my sisters were in their adolescent years so they were too focused on other things.

I was a normal kid who was into the typical stuff kids are into but I always thought a little differently. I wasn’t one of those kids who liked McDonalds. I was always a thinker and would question if things had to be the way they were in society. I think that’s why God made me a UNICORN and put a scar perfectly in the middle of my forehead to prove it.

Some Questions I would ask myself:

Why does my mom have to work so many long hours just to provide for me? 

Is there any way she can spend more time with me?

(In 2001)

Why did my cousin have to get killed at the peak of his life? 

(And over the more recent years I’d ask..)

Why does it feel like we are being controlled by some evil force that wants to keep us down as a people? 

Why is it 2022 and many people are still fighting to get treated like human beings? Don't we all deserve that?

We can no longer give our power to 'The Devil'.

We can say it’s the devil but that would just be another cop out that would leave us powerless.

Questions I would ask myself opened up a world of passion within me.

A passion to create a ‘passive income’ way for myself and others…

A passion to speak truth that frees people from the limitations of our system..

A passion to share knowledge on how to develop yourself from the inside out…

Sometimes my way of thinking makes me feel alienated, but I don’t care because I know there’s a world of people out there who want direction, information, and empowerment.

Knowledge is power whether you want to admit it or not.

Knowledge is how we will get out of darkness and into the light.

Doesn’t the Bible say wisdom is better than silver and gold ?


Millions of people will be able to live out their dream through the knowledge we share here. There will be millions of people impacted by our stories, our discoveries, and our 300toFreedom network.

I see millions on millions of people learning how to build a passive income portfolio from our teachings and secrets.

People will go from being the underdogs to the over achievers. People will go from living on the streets to living wherever they want in the world. People will go from having little to no time to having an infinite amount of time to do the things they love. People will go from depression and victimhood to prosperity and everlasting joy. And it won't even take that long.

Are you ready to apply our information and have more free time to spend with loved ones?

Are you ready to feel better about yourself and attract more genuine love into your life?

Through our extensive 300toFreedom product line, we can and will change the world!

…now that I’m older I realize I enjoy my solitude and can go long periods of time without much in-person socializing…

This made me wonder: Am I naturally introverted or did my childhood experience effect the way I am now?

It’s not like I don’t have friends because I do but it’s like I can go long periods without necessarily hanging out with them. I don’t mind reading for hours on in in a room whereas the average person would never care to. Most people are worried about other things besides helping humanity.

So now I’m asking…

Did I experience any trauma at all from being away from my mom so much from the ages 4-11? Let me know what you think in the comments...

There are some benefits I experience from enjoying my solitude but I see how it may be an effect of something deeper.

This post is in no way a bashing post meant to paint my parents out as being bad parents because they’ve always been great parents. My mom and dad love me dearly and I love them just as much. They’ve shown me that over the years and I am very grateful to have them.

(I’m just letting you into my world and thoughts a bit. )

They may not have always understood how to support me on my mission to help people but either way they did their best.

…I do understand their need to provide for me required that they made certain sacrifices back then…

But I say all of this to say, it’s funny how our childhood experiences can circle back and show up in different ways during our adult life, even when we hold no resentment. You should love on your parents because 9/10 they did what they did thinking it was for your best interest. They were learning just like you may be learning now.

Are you seeing some things from your childhood show up today in your life ?

Have you experienced something from your childhood that has left lasting effects on your personality in adulthood?

I felt lonely many times as a kid and today I’m turning “loneliness” to power!

hidden spells in the english languageMy mom didn’t have much time to watch me earlier on, and today I’m working with people who have the time freedom to do what they want! See how funny life is...

Not to mention there are children going through so much worse out there but that’s why us teaming up will only benefit millions of people across the globe.

I’m a living inspiration!

I am a LEGEND in the making and I invite you to be apart.

Oh and also I’m the best rapper alive that you probably never heard of.

Like, your favorite musician would listen to me and sign me right now if they heard me rap. They would give me a $1,000,000 check lol and Jay-Z, Drake, or Kanye West would probably make a song with me right now if he knew me.

New music on the way! New content on the way! 100K Subs on the way!

300toFreedom Baby! Join Here or Get Flown Over!.


~Jonathan Belcher

P.S. Contact Me Here


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