Becoming Enlightened....

Becoming Enlightened is a funny thing because with that comes alot of TRUTH discovery AND telling...


And when you live in a world where 98% of the people ONLY scratch from the surface, it can be very TOUGH for them to hear "Truth" and ingest it in a positive way.

... Mainly because Truth is only discovered by understanding something deeper...

See, The person who tells TRUTH is normally NOT liked, for a while... if ever

...Reason being is because people are comfortable in the way they've BEEN doing things...

People are comfortable in the way they've BEEN seeing things...

People are comfortable and even feel GOOD about their ROUTINE...

It's called Programming.

...and if ANYONE comes and speaks alot of TRUTH, it usually is a THREAT to what people are Comfortable with either thinking or doing...

It's a threat to the 'Program.'

(I'm going somewhere here, please follow me)

How Much Are YOU Actually Capable Of?

If you observe everything we have today and everything we are Today, I'm sure you'd agree ALOT has changed over time.

Whether that be Technology...

The way we ACCEPT others...

The way we COMMUNICATE....

ALOT has changed.

Even the FACT that You Can Earn $80 Per SALE from Home without working a 9-5 Job by CLICKING HERE is a Major Change For Us As A Society!

That being said....

Realize there was a time where people thought the WRIGHT brothers were ABSOLUTELY NUTS, CRAZY, and STUPID for thinking they can create an 'Airplane' successfully.

Why? Because at the TIME it was a shock to what everybody was USED TO. At that TIME It was a shock to what everybody was capable of. Most people could never foresee that AT THAT TIME. (Key phrase: At That Time)

However, the TRUTH is the Airplane was meant to be the WHOLE TIME LOL. Ironic huh?

And now Today, Thousands of planes fly across the sky and it's completely normal and necessary.

Meanwhile the Wright Brothers BEEN imagined it being possible many years before airplanes were a thing, and without them being crazy enough to say "fuck it" and go after inventing their 'futuristic design' ... there'd probably be no airplanes today.

But there are MANY stories like this that have actually helped humanity tremendously..


...So I'm GRATEFUL for people with Balls....

You're Too Powerful To Fathom Your Power!

I'm GRATEFUL for people who can stick to a crazy Idea for positive change.

All that being said.....

Are we actually capable of 1,000X MORE.... ?

How much more can we ACTUALLY do....?

Is being AFRAID of what others may think of us a stifling mechanism for Growth... ? ( You answer that for yourself )

Let's take even Jesus for example....

He preached there being a God to NONBELIEVERS.

TODAY, Christianity is the #1 Religion in the world.

Hmmmm Interesting....

He was KILLED for his belief....

But AT THAT TIME he was a "Sicko" LOL

I've realized the more I get older that there is a such thing as being "too far ahead" of your time.

Whether that be in your thought process...

Whether that be in your ideologys...

Or just the way you do things...

...if it's a threat to the Program and Consensus, you will NOT be liked.... people will Hate you for it...

They will even judge and say things like "he's gone off on the deep end"

Because they don't know that Consciousness is the only 'Reality'

The TRUTH is you are too powerful to even fathom how Powerful you are.

But as time goes on Man's (and women lol) Power will be revealed and some SHOCKING things will start to manifest.

Not because 'shit is weird' but because it was always there, it's just an untapped source of understanding and being.

Judgement is a Reflection of You, Not Them.

...So WHY am I saying all of this???

I'm saying all of this to SAY, be VERY careful how you judge people. God said man has no right to judge another man for the TIMES can change and one who is JUDGED today can be held at a HIGH REGARD Tomorrow.

...Many people who were killed for their Beliefs in the past, are actually IDOLS/ICONS today because what they were saying was TRUTH the whole time and we SEE it coming to past now....

So I just want you to think about this...

I just want to provoke thought...

You don't have to like the guy you 'HATE'...

You don't have to Love the Girl you despise...

But have compassion enough to try to understand where they are coming from and why.

God speaks to different people at different levels and even gives them agendas that may be totally foreign to what you believe ...

But you never know their mission can be a seed that plants the Love for what humanity has always needed. Right now they are a "SICKO"... but what if at THIS TIME, you just don't understand?

It's okay to admit that too...

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Thank Me Later. No Drake. Lol

~Jonathan Belcher Aka Jaydis Crete Aka Co Creator of the New Humans