Become "God-like" by Using the Law of Attraction

Thank God, the spotlight has finally come for me to speak about the law of attraction and how you can use it to have more income, happiness, health, and destiny that you desire. You’ve probably initially heard about this law by viewing The Secret or listening to a law of attractionspouse who happens to be very in sync with their sixth sense. Look, it probably appears that the law of attraction definition contains some kind of delusion that has never been proven. There’s documentation of many tests where the LOA proved to be a real law that is constantly thriving.

Bare with me, I don’t remember the name of the experiment but there was one where 3 random groups of people were in different rooms and told they would have a basketball free throw contest in a few days. The 1st group was told to actually go to the gym and practice shooting free throws, the 2nd group was told not to actually practice shooting but to instead continuously imagine themselves at the free throw line following through and making the shot over and over again, and the final group was told to just relax and come back the day of the contest.

Well, you won’t believe it…

But when the day of the free throw contest arrived, the 2nd group won the contest and they were only told to imagine themselves making the free throw repeatedly. Bizzare, ain’t it? No not really.
The only thing I can say is "the law of attraction" can manifest great results in your life!

Law of Attraction Principle Explained

The law of attraction is a law that concludes that your pineal gland literally makes a reality of whatever you constantly think about. how to apply the law of attractionWhat you focus on is what you get. And this is where the ideology of ‘thoughts are things’ becomes of importance.

…The truth is, I used to struggle trying to understand how this ’mind trick’ thing creates reality until I actually experienced various miraculous events happen in my life…

I can remember a time when I was wondering about this person who I hadn’t spoken to for a couple of months and randomly they gave me a call while I had them in my thoughts.

I can recall starting my first online business and all I would do was visualize customers coming in and new entrepreneurs hunting me down to make money with me, and this was when I was first starting out making money online. Before I knew it, sales and new business started piling up so I know firsthand that the law of attraction money concept is non-fiction!

Another time I was at this Italian restaurant thinking about one of my cousins who lived a good 6 miles away and literally right then and there the same cousin of mine walked right in! It was scary, shocking, and powerful all at the same time!

In addition, I kept realizing that whenever I would randomly look at a clock I would see this EXACT time and the more I I landed my eyes on the clock, the more I started thinking about the time, and the more I started to land my eyes on the clock at that exact time (the time I will keep to myself lol). I took it as the universe was trying to tell me something. It got to a point where I started seeing the time randomly everywhere like in novels, on social sites, on subway ads, on license plates etc. This is when it became clear to me that I was having a talk with God.

Always keep in mind, what you are feeling in the heart is what you will receive into your life.

The thing about the law of attraction is that it never fails and it is like a law of nature. If you come to a point where things aren’t going your way in life or in business then I want you to start to check what you are giving your mind energy to. Is it lack? Is it abundance? Is it your fitness? Is it wealth? If you’re going to let something consume your mind then you might as well let it be something positive!
Whatever you think about the most will manifest itself to you at a later date, in the physical form.

Visualization and Repetition is the Key to Manifestation...

Don’t get it twisted though, using solely your mind isn’t usually enough to manifest it, you should be using your visualization ability paired with your making business investments in the direction of what you want. You must exercise faith!

Here’s how to apply the law of attraction and get better at calling on precisely what you want:

Initially, you want to incorporate visualization and using your third eye daily. The better you are at imagining, ”grasping”, tasting, and hearing what you want before it comes to past, the quicker you will attract what you desire to you.

Your imagination must be paired with the exhilarating feeling of serotonin being distributed into your solar plexus. This is how you know the law of attraction is starting to work for you because your mind and body will literally feel euphoric and maybe some jitters as you are exercising high levels of Faith. It’s almost like you have to focus on what you like and terminate the feelings that comes with anything that you dislike.

This is why the the Ultimate spirit guide drives the point home that “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”.

So is the law of attraction real? Without a doubt it is! But you can use it in your life it to make more money and improve your life!
Before I go I would like to say one last thing to you…

We are all energetic beings cooperating in an energetic universe. That means that the law of attraction feeds off of energy. In conclusion, whatever you give your emotional and cognitive energy to starts to take shape and fester into a breathing ”organism” full of force and velocity in YOUR life. It works both ways for negative projections and for positive thoughts. The law of attraction doesn’t transform against anybody!


~Jonathan Belcher

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the law of attraction