Is a Man an "Asshole" Because he Doesn't Marry his Girlfriend?



My Facebook Post about Marriage that got people in a FRENZY!

So I put a post on my Facebook the other day that said, "In what ways is MARRIAGE beneficial to a man? Yes, I really want solid answers" !!!

...I got literally HUNDREDS of comments on that post...

You Can Chime In and Check Out the Post HERE

Sure enough, it was mostly MEN saying they don't see how marriage benefits them. A lot of women were also commenting but none really gave me a solid answer on how

I don't want to get married anymore

side profile of a newlywed couple kissing outside a church

marriage can benefit a man more or DOES benefit a man equally.

...It is no secret that usually when a man and woman gets a divorce, the man is at a loss...

Is this why men don't want to get married anymore?

Whether he loses his house, Business, lots of money, or even his Children!

Maybe this is why "men are slow to get married"?

Now of course nobody should get married TO get divorced but we would be stupid to NOT see it as a possibility. People change, things go left, and we can't always control how people feel about us Tomorrow.

So as men and women, we must protect ourselves.

...Most women NEED marriage to feel worthy to their man or to validate their man's love for them so this automatically PROVES it being more beneficial to a woman than a man...

But us as men, we don't need marriage to feel loved and secure in our position.

We are a lot of times happy without government being involved. We are alot of times happy without having a ring to flaunt, we are a lot of times happy without the honeymoon etc.

marriage for men and women

Marriage Is a Beautiful thing when it is ACTUALLY what it is Supposed to be...

First and foremost, marriage is about COMPROMISE, forgiveness. genuine love, and building each other up...

...Without those aspects being involved in the marriage, the man and the woman will surely get divorced sooner than later...

But let's be honest, is MARRIAGE really about that anymore?? For the most part, no.

Marriage has became about WHAT the other person has, HOW can the other person help ME, will I be able to take exotic vacation trips and show off to my friends on Instagram after marrying this person, will my friends find them to be the ultimate man or woman???

Unfortunately, marriage has became a lot about PERSONAL gain rather than compromise and unity. To those of you who are married and still loving each other for who you are and not some ulterior motive, I commend you.

That is a beautiful thing!

...But the Truth is the Truth... I'm only discussing how marriages USUALLY go, regardless of what we want to SAY about it... 

PLEASE make sure to marry someone who is genuine and there for you. And if she (or he) does not want to sign a prenup you have to be wise and ask yourself why not??

Don't be a fool. Love your wife but also love yourself as well. It's very important that we understand forgiveness, compromise, and sacrifice if we want a LONG TERM MARRIAGE Today, I don't know how important those qualities are anymore because people just up and leave so fast you can't grow from nothing.


The #1 Reason for Divorce is Financial... Check Out the Stats!

I'd hate for finances to be the reason for you to bail out on your wife or your husband in a marriage. If the other person isn't doing well, well it's honestly your job to help pick them up. That is what you signed up for, realistically.

So if you'd like to Save Money On Medical In Your Marriage and Make Money at the Same Time then You Can Do That HERE <=====

There are plenty of ways to not let finances be the 'demon' that causes you to switch on your significant other. You married them for a reason, don't forget that!


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~Jonathan Belcher

men and women marriage