Different Types of Paid Advertising

If you run a small business online then I am sure you thought about expanding your Leads and Sales very FAST, haven't you?

...When I first got started running my business online, I struggled for months because I did not understand how to market/advertise my business in an effective way...

I was so frustrated watching everybody else get sales and move on with their life, types of paid advertisingexcept me... it was to the point I felt like picking my hair out!

.... Do you ever feel this way?

Then suddenly everything changed for me when I decided to invest into training so I could learn free advertisement, lead generation strategies, the art of branding myself, the art of sharing value, and of course different types of paid advertising strategies.

I went from struggling and being DEAD broke as a security guard to quitting my job in less than a year...

I went from having zero leads and NOBODY joining my business to having people join me left and right...

I went from being stuck at home all the time to having the funds to travel more times in 1 year than I ever did in my ENTIRE life...

I went from taking the bus only because it was the only thing I could afford at the time to purchasing myself a BMW all CASH at the age of 22 from learning how to get paid for online advertising

So here are some paid advertising examples you can use to generate leads and sales FAST in your business:

  1. Craigslist paid ads
  2. Facebook paid ads
  3. Bing Ads
  4. Instagram Paid ads
  5. Twitter paid ads


What is the 'SECRET' to MASTERING various Types of Online Advertising

Lately, I've been getting TONS of people asking me "Jon, how do I do paid ads?"

But it's a very generic question that can't be answered in just one statement. It really takes testing and tweaking to have a 'WINNING' ad that continues to convert for you.

...but honestly, just running an ad is very SIMPLE...

It's just a matter of targeting the right keywords having to do with people who would be most interested in your offer, product, or service. 

....The 'Hard'  part of doing paid ads really has to do with everything that you have to learn SURROUNDING the paid ad you are thinking about creating for your business..

Questions you'd want to ask yourself before running a paid ad are:

  1. What am I going to provide my leads once they subscribe to my list?
  2. Once a person clicks on my ad, what website am I going to be sending them to?
  3. Is the website congruent to the ad that they see listed on the site? (You don't want to send people to a website that has NOTHING to do with what your ad is about)
  4. Do I have compelling and attractive copy written on my website that would make the viewer want to subscribe?
  5. Is my website effectively branding myself (or my company) in a way that constantly grows my business?
  6. What are some paid advertising sites that would be best for what I have for sale?
  7. Am I skilled enough at email marketing to where I can convert a majority of my list within a few days to a few weeks of them joining my list?
  8. Am I willing to test different pictures/videos in my ad and possibly lose a bit of investment money before learning what ads are MOST effective for me?


Seriously, if you haven't asked yourself all the above questions and have clear answers to them then it doesn't make any sense just blowing money on paid advertisement.

...I HIGHLY recommend mastering FREE Marketing strategies first, before wasting your money on paid advertisement. Unless you have access to my MEGA level training where I teach you how to master the art of Branding, Copy writing, Building a Loyal Customer Base, Advanced lead generation and Paid ads techniques, it does not make ANY sense what SO EVER running paid ads in a BLIND manner.


How Did Learning Online Advertising Examples Allow me To Manifest 6-Figures in my Business?

I started to crush it in my business when I applied what I learned from free advertising to my PAID advertisement campaigns!

...I didn't just jump into business knowing exactly how to run paid ads...

Actually, I lost THOUSANDS of dollars by not understanding all the stuff surrounding a paid ad and I nearly went out of business by being a fool.

So I don't want you to be a FOOL like I was in the beginning phases of my business...

I don't want you to have to Struggle for years On IN trying to be a full time entrepreneur when you can cut your learning curve and get access to the RIGHT EDUCATION by now! 

...By now you've realized that I know a LOT about marketing and making sales on a daily basis... it's because of what I KNOW.

But I don't just KNOW a lot, I share alot of what I know with my team AND I apply what I know to my business on a daily basis...

Repeat: I apply what I know to my business on a daily basis! (crucial to success)

...so this allows me to make SALES consistently in my business!

Don't you want to make sales everyday and inspire Hundreds to Thousands of people to become successful entrepreneurs as well?! (YES!) 

Don't you want to be seen as an AUTHORITY FIGURE that people can trust in your niche?! (YES!)

...So what's stopping you from getting the MEGA Level Education to take your Life to the NEXT LEVEL....? (I don't know....)

===>Learn More About the MEGA Level Training by CLICKING HERE! <===

You can do it if you believe you can.

I'm looking to take you to the TOP WITH ME! #300ToFreedom


~Jonathan Belcher

P.S. If you have access to the PRO level Training then You can UPGRADE to MEGA from your PRO Level Back Office! 

how to get paid for online advertising