From Conflicting and Confusing Ideas to a Merged Superconscious Way of Thinking

If you've been following me for years now you've seen my ups, downs, successes, failures, wins, and losses. Or maybe you're just now learning about the different dimensions to who I am as I share more of my story with you.

Regardless of how we met...

I think it's important that I tell you it has taken me a long time to manifest ideas I've had in my head. Sometimes it even took me months/years to figure out what the data in my business was telling me. I am getting better at executing on my plans and for the most part I am able to create what I intended but depending on the complexity of the project, it can be hard for me to keep focus... but I have gotten way better over the past 2 years.

A big reason for my new found crystal clear vision is because of my clients, my family, and the people who believe in me most.

Without them I'd be nothing.

Once I discovered the secret on how to reprogram my subconscious mind to become 1 with my conscious mind it's like EVERY area of my life started to improve.

I started on my make money online entrepreneurship journey with a vision in my heart.

A vision to help people prosper.

But I will be 100% honest with you.

It hasn't always been easy to stay focused and encouraged while working towards manifesting a vision. I've run into the cycle of starting and not finishing quite a few times.

I wouldn't really say 'life got in the way'.

It wasn't even that I didn't know what I wanted.

It's just that it takes practice and time to be able to cope with heartbreak, loss of relationships, loss of business opportunity, and any other kind of loss you can imagine. Often times when 'bad' things happen in life it may break your heart but it may also fix your vision at the same time.

Have you ever been inconsistent? Have you ever got started on projects and then stopped?

Like as if it is taking you too long to complete a certain chapter of your life.

The feeling is awful.

But this is proof that no matter what you experience in life, you can always bounce back.

I've experienced having a broken heart for about 3-4 years since my last 'important' relationship...

I've experienced watching my income dwindle down to $0 because the company I was in went out of business...

I've experienced joining in on business partnerships where the other guys weren't being truthful and honest in business and so they swept what we've built right from under me.. (some of you might remember what happened when I co-founded the Next Level Mastermind)

I've experienced having $0 in my bank account, without a job, all while 'KIND OF' starting from scratch...

I've experienced having an Ex put a Love Spell on me and try to control my every move, it was sick on her part but it didn't work...

I've overcome all of the above.


SO how did I do it?

...I got really frustrated dealing with constant ups and downs in my life (about 3-4 years ago). It was as if I was 'trapped' in a cycle where it seemed like every time I took 3 steps forward, something happened where I had to take 5 steps backward.. at least that's how it felt.

Then one day I was laying in bed in silence thinking about some things I've done right and also a lot of things I've done wrong in my life and it hit me like a ton of bricks...


Yup, I realized I was being my own worse enemy. And I took responsibility for it.

It's as if my Subconscious mind was saying 'go to the right' and my conscious mind was saying 'go to the left' and because of this confusion I had a difficult time formulating the magical blueprint for helping people grow spiritually and financially.

...Have you ever felt like you were stuck in your life?

...Have you ever felt like you weren't clear about your NEXT move?

Hey, I'm here to tell you that the root causes to your limitation is perhaps because your subconscious and conscious mind have conflicting thoughts. For example, you say you want to make more money in life and yet you haven't done a thing to start a business or get a promotion at your job.

Or, you say you want to grow spiritually and personally but yet you are still engaging in low vibrating arguments and hanging out with purely shallow-minded people.

So the question I'd ask is: how do you expect to make more money if you keep NOT doing things that will help you make the money you want?

How do you expect to grow spiritually and personally while hanging with low lives?

It really just comes down to this:

Your subconscious vs. Conscious mind is what's preventing you from leveling up the way you'd like. Your conscious mind is what is operating NOW as you are reading the words on your screen. You are awake! And so your conscious mind SEEMS to be the only thing in control, but that is not true at all. Your subconscious mind has an extremely powerful control on even the subtle decisions you make throughout your day, on a conscious level. How? Because your subconscious serves as a storehouse of information deep in your mind where memories of childhood trauma, languages you've learned, very happy times, habits and behaviors you've picked up, and also dreams are spawned from the sub-conscious etc.

The crazy part is the magnitude of the 'Superconscious' mind does not end there.

The things you say to YOURSELF easily gets stored into the deep subconscious of your mind and has an effect on your behavior as time goes on. Whatever you constantly tell yourself, will be. Whatever you constantly see in your mind, will be.

See, I had to learn this the hard way.

It took me a while to realize that literally everything that consumes my mind during my waken hours, will leave an imprint on my subconscious.

...Keep reading...

You're about to learn 7 different ways you can start to get your conscious mind on board with your subconscious mind so that you can finally live the life you've always wanted.

7 Ways to Reprogram your Subconscious Mind to be in line with the Conscious Mind

  1. Listen to Success and Motivational audios while you are in the Theta state. (for 1 hour and 5 days a week)
  2.  Get around other people who want the same things as you and mastermind on ideas to get going.
  3.  Practice visualizing scenarios you want to happen and it would help to feel as if it's already done
  4.  Meditation
  5. Consume DMT or Shrooms (not recommended by me, do your research)
  6. Powerfully speak affirmations to yourself and out into the air repeatedly (6-12 times each day)
  7.  And last but certainly not least, join the Youtuber Academy Club aka Youtuber Celebrity PRO passive income generating system.



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~Jon Belcher

subconscious vs conscious mind