Early Signs from God You Are On the Right Path

God has had his hands on my entire life since the very beginning. In this writing I will share signs from God you are on the right path and practical teachings that will help you reach your divine goals. My journey hasn’t been an easy one because I chose passion over a paycheck and faith over fear, but I’ve learned so much that has prepared me to help millions of people in the world today.

Before I was born, doctors told my mother she couldn’t have anymore children. She was very disappointed about the news especially since she was only in her 30s. At the time she already had 2 girls but she badly wanted a boy.

Eventually life panned out and thank God she met my dad. Then some time passed and miraculously, I was brought into the world in 1991. Yea I know: talk about signs from God that everything will be ok

So yea, I was an “accident” to an American dad and a Jamaican mother, whom I love dearly for keeping me. Right then and there God defied the odds of man for my life.

…if you’ve had similar experiences like that in your life, I’m not saying it’s one of the signs from God you are on the right path but it’s definitely a sign that you are meant to be here… you have a purpose to fulfill!

It’s very important you realize you are meant to be here and God’s love for you, I will touch more on that later.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve experienced crazy situations where I know it was nothing but God who got me through it.

I was robbed at gunpoint walking home from high school and got away without a scratch…

I escaped an attempted robbery after leaving a party in a bad neighborhood years later…

My 1st cousin, who’s more like a sister to me, was shot at a party and she survived…

Although it didn’t happen to me personally, I included the situation about my cousin because I wouldn’t have been able to cope with losing her if God wasn’t there protecting her.

Spiritual signs you are on the Right Path. God's omnipresence...

But see the thing is, God is always with you and he’s brought you up to this very point in your life right now to show you something; to reveal a detail to you; to open your eyes about something; to open your heart and mind to receive the prosperity he has in store for you next.

Nobody ever said the "signs from God you are on the right path" would be easy though…

So if you’ve been saying, “God show me the right path”, I want you to know that discovering the right path happens when you first realize God has kept you here for a real reason.

The signs God is moving you in the right direction will start revealing itself clear as day to you if you truly have faith he is guiding you.

Now, let’s get into the 3 signs from God you are on the right path in your life.

Disclaimer: I’m not saying these signs are the end all be all signs, I’m just sharing the main ones in my humblest opinion based on the observations of many prosperous people, my personal experiences, and Bible scripture….

First Sign: you have 100% Faith that God is guiding you.

The first one of the signs from God is that you are willing to have 100% Faith in him to guide you on the path you (he) chose.

This sign is tricky because you must be moving and taking action already for God to guide you.

It is in the action that you prove your Faith and create new life.

People, events, and circumstances are coming into your favor because of your faith in God. When things start working out in your favor, even if it’s happening slowly, it’s a good sign that you’re on the right path.

God wants to prove himself through your works so the more faith you have the more range you allow God to work in your favor.


This makes me think about when I launched my business online for the first time in 2013. I had no clue I would have any success and I didn’t know that I would be teaching 1,000s of people how to build passive income online some day. All I knew is that I wanted to learn, all I knew is that I wanted to grow, all I knew is that I didn’t want to go down a path of just working a 9-5 job for 35 years selling myself short. It was pure faith that got me here because there was NO EVIDENCE of success when I first decided to become my own boss.

(Learn how to build your own Passive Income on the internet HERE!)

You may not have all the resources, tools, support, or information to be exactly where you want to be yet but your faith in God will be one of the key signs from God you are on the right path.

….God helped me connect with mentors and training courses that taught me how to build a business online… but if I didn’t take action and seek for this first, God couldn’t guide my path.

If you have faith but no drive then ultimately you have no Faith. It is the faith in God that will reveal your path to you more and more.

Even the Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6).

How to know if you are on the right path in life?

Second Sign: You’re doing something that makes you feel good about yourself and others - not morally degrading or against your integrity.

The second of the signs from God you are on the right path has everything to do with how you feel deep inside.

Do you like what you’re doing? Could you do it even if you didn’t get paid for it? Does goal setting make you excited? Do you feel alive when you are taking action? Do you see glimpses of your greater potential from your works? Can you sleep well at night knowing you’re helping society? Do you feel like you are serving a real purpose?

Do you believe in people more from your efforts?

These are questions you will have to ask yourself.

If you are finding that you are answering “Yes” to all of the above questions then it’s surely one of the main signs from God you are doing the right thing.

(… but remember, God can’t help you if you aren’t moving…)

A positive feeling that isn't only monetary is one of the signs from God you are on the right path.

A POSITIVE FEELING is going to account for lots of the success you create in your life so you must pay attention to and control your feelings and emotions.

When you feel great about what you’re working towards, there’s like a divine drive that overtakes you which makes it as if you can overcome any obstacle that seemingly comes before you. This great feeling will lead you to take inspired action and it will start to feel as if God is literally guiding your every move to the top.

…but don’t be too prideful to ask God to guide your steps if you’ve lost your footing…

For a long time I created content without getting paid for any of my efforts.

Months went by and I wasn’t getting any clients but I kept on speaking my message of FREEDOM & PROSPERITY because I knew that I had something special to share with people from day 1.

I became 100% sure of my ability to teach other people and help them.

It didn’t matter that I wasn’t making money right away, what mattered to me was that I loved creating content and that I had a vision for better in my life.

And eventually…

Sales started pouring into my business.

People started connecting with me from my blogs and videos to learn how to establish their own passive income.

People were coming from left and right to get educated on how to make money from marketing online.

I went from making $25 in my business…. To $100…. To $500…. To having my first $1,000 DAY… to making multiple thousand dollar months… to having my first $2700 DAY working as my own boss…

To now I’m at the point where I’m looking to shock myself and make $10,000 in one day.

When will I do it?

Who knows and who cares.

I have faith in God I will!

In Conclusion... These are signs from God that everything will be ok...

The point is that these signs from God you are on the right path will show up for you over and over again as you go on. It’s like you will get glimpses of your greatness and all you have to do is continue to follow it.

Third Sign : God’s light can shine through your career.

Yes this is the final, but certainly not the least of the signs from God you are on the right path.

This is an important one that many people don’t speak about unfortunately.

But if people are seeing you do your thing and they get inspiration, empowerment, entertainment, knowledge, confidence, and even joy from your works then no sense in wondering “how to know what path God wants you to take” … most likely you’re on the right path, just keep going.

… maybe it’s time you start listening to the people who tell you you are great at something…

Your purpose probably has been right under your nose for a while and you haven’t noticed it.

If God can’t work through you on the path you’re on then is it truly the right path?

The key is to stay true to your morals, integrity, and feelings because compromising those things will never bring you prosperity or get you on the right path in your life.

But again…. Please remember to FEEL your way to the top and don’t be so hard on yourself. Life can either be a dreadful bore or an exhilarating experience… it’s your choice.

Hopefully these signs from God you are on the right path helped you get one step closer to your dreams.


~Jonathan Belcher

Connect with me HERE

P.S. Want to listen in to Jon Belcher's empowering Monday night LIVE calls? Subscribe for our LIVE empower 300 calls HERE.

signs from God you are on the right path