Damn, so the question came up the other day, "Jon, what is your idea of the 'PERFECT' world... and that got me REALLY thinking.

It got me thinking because I am very passionate about my beliefs...

I tend to believe in people MORE than they believe in themselves. And unfortunately we live in a world where not many people believe in OTHERS.

But why is this?

Well, the ONLY way to believe more in other people (through love and compassion) is by FIRST believing in yourself. Likewise, taking action, expressing discipline, and believing in others shows self love.

...To put what you NEED to do over what you WANT to do will always yield greater success for a people. Once what you WANT to do becomes what you NEED to do, that is when you will know you are in line with your purpose...

Then, your joy can start filling up the world.


The Beginning of CHANGE Always Starts with Making New Decisions and Formulating New Habits!

...My idea of the 'Perfect World' can only become a reality through a MASSIVE GLOBAL change...

We will become UNIFIED and work together as ONE. Even if you are in various business, that's okay, you are a human being FIRST before anything, right?

I created a Product called the ULTRA ENLIGHTENMENT PRODUCT and it will be responsible for MILLIONS of people getting riches in their life!!! The people who apply the teachings in it will be SUPREME BEINGS of the earth. (At this time, You can ONLY get access to the product IF you have access to my MCA Training System PRO that you can get HERE)

....That being said...

Us as a people will have to change the way we look at things and perceive other people.

We will get rid of divides and separatism that cause HATE, lack of FAITH, power control, and Fear (FEAR is just inverted Faith because it is the belief in BAD instead of GOOD) ...

...and I'm working EVERYDAY to make sure the people who work with me are the RICHEST people on the planet both on the inside and outside... they will fear NOTHING but God!!!

They will be Warriors....!

They will understand their INNER POWER...!

They will KNOW THEMSELVES....!


I understand this will be a process but it's a life long journey I am committed to because if you aren't trying to make a POSITIVE change in the world and in yourself...

....then really, WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR???

No More Starving Children! No More Diseased People! No More Shame in Who You Are!

I created the 300ToFreedom Movement with all of these 'Utopian' thoughts and visions in mind.

But don't get me wrong, I know the world will never be perfect. We all have free will and can CHOOSE how to think.

...But there should be NO starving children in such an abundant World...

...There should be very little Disease or Sickness as God would not put us in a world that did not have NATURAL cures (in the plants and herbs) ... wouldn't you agree?

...NOBODY should be ashamed of going after their dreams or expressing their gifts because of what 'others may think'...

You should be 1000% Confident in yourself and have HIGH- Self Esteem.

When we speak of the Elite or "Powers That Be"...

...It's really just a secret group of people who are MORE enlightened than the rest of the World and they have access to DEEP information that nobody else does...

So they use this to hold MOST of the people back (you and I) for control..

For this reason, I created the MEGA Training and the Ultra Enlightenment Product  to get you to such a HIGH LEVEL of thinking that literally NOTHING but God himself can take you away from your divine path and divine blessings! 

Even by CLICKING HERE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO RECEIVE OVER $150,000 Worth in Benefits and up to 65% off On Your Medical Bills. 

...Isn't that a win win for you?

These are just the BEGINNING stages of a close to PERFECT World being created for you and I.

And if we work together, we will CHANGE THE WORLD!



~Jonathan Belcher